Tag Archives: leadership

Everything you want is on the other side of fear

The stories are everywhere – always uplifting, always inspiring: Every day people just like you go out into the world and make their dreams come true. They did it. Why not you? You’re no different than any of these successful individuals. Why Couldn’t Your Dream Come True? True, it sounds hard. In fact, it probably...


“Work-life balance was a mistake from the start. Because we don’t really want balance. We want satisfaction.” – Matthew Kelly, author Balance is a sticky subject among many people. We have careers, partners, children, family commitments, charity work, hobbies, worship time – plus, big desires to improve our health. How can one possibly balance so...

Joy. Ease. Love

I recently had the honor of speaking with, laughing with, engaging with- some amazing teens as we set out to conquer and tear down some obstacles that were blocking their paths to living out their best at our WellBE-ing for Teens event .  Many and most of these, as you can guess, had to do with...

Fall-IN to Fitness

Now is the perfect time to ramp up your fitness routine. It’s the time of year when many of us want to hibernate- the weather gets cooler, we begin to make excuses like not being able to exercise outdoors or it’s getting dark earlier, etc… but guess what… YOU can control all those excuses from...

Winning the Head Game: Talking Mental Toughness with Female Olympic & World Elite Athletes

Mental Toughness– something every one of us has battled with. The moment when your mind is working to pull you in a direction, hold you back from reaching, achieving, even believing you can do more, achieve more, be more. Every single athlete has faced this and like some of us, succumb to the pressure of...