Category Archives: basketball

Mindful Motivation

While setting up a new 21 Day Health Challenge for some of my clients as we enter into Fall, a lot of vibrations appeared around motivation and being mindful of motivation. What, who, when, where, how…all connect to the bigger picture of mindful meditation and its success in one’s own life.  I encourage my clients...

Foam Roll That!

If you haven’t tried foam rolling yet, you’re missing out! An affordable way to release muscle pain, tightness and adhesions, this gem often feels like a deep tissue massage! I like to say I have a love/dislike relationship with my foam roller, but its more a “hurts so good” kind of mentality that I have grown...

Allies of Glory or Thieves of Ambition

I love when I have A-HA moments!  The one I share with you today, stems from an amazingly talented friend, who has provided me wonderful inspiration, encouragement and wisdom, whose mission is helping people discover what makes them great, THE …Antonio Neves.  In one of my favorite articles and blog posts of his, Are you spending time with Allies of...