Tag Archives: bike

Fall-IN to Fitness

Now is the perfect time to ramp up your fitness routine. It’s the time of year when many of us want to hibernate- the weather gets cooler, we begin to make excuses like not being able to exercise outdoors or it’s getting dark earlier, etc… but guess what… YOU can control all those excuses from...

Fuel Yourself Healthy

I find myself in daily conversations regarding nutrition/fuel.  It can be with an elite/professional athlete, mainstream athlete or weekend warrior.  The one thing I try and educate them on time and time again is that ALL of us are different/unique.  I don’t just mean our appearance, height, weight, intellect, etc… but rather, what works for...

Wheels Up Warriors!

As race season officially started up again last weekend for one of my favorite “sparkplugs” Para-triathlete Mary Kate Callahan, I wanted to circle back with her since our last conversation and see how she was preparing to take on the season and prepare for Rio 2016! (sidenote, she was just mentioned yesterday in the Team...

Foam Roll That!

If you haven’t tried foam rolling yet, you’re missing out! An affordable way to release muscle pain, tightness and adhesions, this gem often feels like a deep tissue massage! I like to say I have a love/dislike relationship with my foam roller, but its more a “hurts so good” kind of mentality that I have grown...