Category Archives: green juice

Fuel Yourself Healthy

I find myself in daily conversations regarding nutrition/fuel.  It can be with an elite/professional athlete, mainstream athlete or weekend warrior.  The one thing I try and educate them on time and time again is that ALL of us are different/unique.  I don’t just mean our appearance, height, weight, intellect, etc… but rather, what works for...

Clean Machine 2015

Happy New Year! 2015 is greeted with new intentions, most having to do with health, wellness, weight loss and fitness for so many. This of course makes me happy as a holistic health coach because it’s my passion to help people become healthier from the inside out. This time of year is also the busiest season...

S is for Stretch not Stress

This time of year especially, many of us tend to be rushed with work, family and holiday party obligations. This leads to stress and disruption in the normalcy of schedule, racing minds and a sense of uneasiness. While it’s nice to mix things up, the stress from being stretched too thin and not having time...

Crazy for Cucumbers

There are so many health benefits of cucumbers that I am sure you will want to work them into your diet and reap their rewards just as much as I do!! Cucumbers are high in silica which helps brittle nails.  They’ve been known to alleviate arthritis pain and inflammation, relieve bad breath because of their high phytochemicals...