Category Archives: teamwork

Shine On

One of the main “spokes” as I like to refer to them as, that completes the wheel, your “Wheel of Wellness” is positive nourishment. I’m not referring to food but rather attitude, spirit, ambition, passion…your light. When working with clients, we tap into these various spokes on the wheel of wellness because they all tie...

Dedication December

The last month of 2014 is upon us and I for one cannot believe how quickly this year has flown by. I found the intentions I wrote down for this past year and was reflecting upon those that came to fruition (those goals and intentions that I reached and/or exceeded) and those that have fallen...

Fun with Fitness!

The one thing that keeps most people engaged in fitness activities…RESULTS of course but also FUN! If your workouts are fun you are much more likely to stick with it. There are so many amazing options now depending on your workout style – you can try a spin class, variety of yoga classes, rowing, HIIT,...

Foam Roll That!

If you haven’t tried foam rolling yet, you’re missing out! An affordable way to release muscle pain, tightness and adhesions, this gem often feels like a deep tissue massage! I like to say I have a love/dislike relationship with my foam roller, but its more a “hurts so good” kind of mentality that I have grown...