Tag Archives: am fit

Start Spring Strong

As we welcome in Spring and the days open up for us earlier and brighter, I hope you can enjoy it to the fullest and live it with heart. One simple change can make a big difference in how you feel from the inside out. This change will begin to show up on the outside-...

Glowing Skin, a Radiant Spirit and a Clear Mind

I recently had the honor of being featured in Mantra Yoga + Health Magazine   (page 22 to be exact and seen below wink wink), which can be found in local Whole Foods Stores, Sprouts and many other retail locations.  I wanted to share the article/health tips as we are well into month two of 2016 and given its heart health month…...

Eat Fat 2 Lose Fat

Eating fat and losing fat is something I personally have experienced, as well as eating the healthy fats pictured below for additional benefits:  hydrated and glowing skin, improved digestion, increased energy and satiety. These are the fats that I tend to eat throughout the day:  Avocado, coconut oil, almond butter, walnuts. They top my list and I sprinkle/mix...

Fuel Your Happiness

How are you going to fuel your happiness? I will encourage you… of course, to fuel it with activity (exercise) and healthy nutrition choices.  For me, hiking, bike riding and running are always top choices. Hiking, with its beautiful views, surprises around every corner, challenging climbs/elevation and just being out in nature is amazing. Riding...

Fall-IN to Fitness

Now is the perfect time to ramp up your fitness routine. It’s the time of year when many of us want to hibernate- the weather gets cooler, we begin to make excuses like not being able to exercise outdoors or it’s getting dark earlier, etc… but guess what… YOU can control all those excuses from...