Category Archives: Uncategorized

“HIIT” it Holidays!

Heading into the holiday season can make already busy, hectic schedules, that much busier. With additional parties, events and commitments that almost always include an indulgence of food and beverages, the need to workout your body and mind becomes even more important. How to fit it all in? Well, making it a priority, scheduling it...

Ginger tea is good for me (and you)!

Self care is something that comes up often when speaking with my holistic health coaching clients and also other health coaches. We tend to be so busy in our day to day lives that we skip out on slowing down long enough to practice self-care. This can be as simple as a cup of tea...

Fun with Fitness!

The one thing that keeps most people engaged in fitness activities…RESULTS of course but also FUN! If your workouts are fun you are much more likely to stick with it. There are so many amazing options now depending on your workout style – you can try a spin class, variety of yoga classes, rowing, HIIT,...

“Healthy” Care Packages

Having been a gracious recipient of care packages and also a consumer when sending some to friends, co-workers, clients… I know how limited it can be to find items that are healthy. Flowers always brighten the day, but it’s also awesome to receive different types of snacks and treats… healthy ones!  This led to creating fully customized...

Mindful Motivation

While setting up a new 21 Day Health Challenge for some of my clients as we enter into Fall, a lot of vibrations appeared around motivation and being mindful of motivation. What, who, when, where, how…all connect to the bigger picture of mindful meditation and its success in one’s own life.  I encourage my clients...