Category Archives: skin

Coco for Coconuts

I’ve been hooked on coconut oil for quite some time, but I’m always finding new ways in which to use this amazing “superfood“.  I’ve written about the wonders of oil pulling with coconut oil (see this link- and how easy it is to cook with…but most recently, including it in my morning coffee and...

Water Your Own Garden

As the temperatures begin to warm up and many of us take our exercising outdoors, the need for proper hydration increases. Drinking water is one of the most basic concepts yet missed or displaced by the most educated of us all. Many times when you encounter a headache, shakiness/dizziness or constipation, its dehydration. If you...


I have been hooked on this amazing, versatile superfood for quite some time,  but for those new to what it is or even how to pronounce it- let me drop some healthful (ha ha) knowledge! Quinoa (pronounced Keen-Wah) not only tastes great, but is packed with healthy benefits, quick to make and easy to mix...

Ginger tea is good for me (and you)!

Self care is something that comes up often when speaking with my holistic health coaching clients and also other health coaches. We tend to be so busy in our day to day lives that we skip out on slowing down long enough to practice self-care. This can be as simple as a cup of tea...

“Healthy” Care Packages

Having been a gracious recipient of care packages and also a consumer when sending some to friends, co-workers, clients… I know how limited it can be to find items that are healthy. Flowers always brighten the day, but it’s also awesome to receive different types of snacks and treats… healthy ones!  This led to creating fully customized...