Category Archives: health

Clean Machine 2015

Happy New Year! 2015 is greeted with new intentions, most having to do with health, wellness, weight loss and fitness for so many. This of course makes me happy as a holistic health coach because it’s my passion to help people become healthier from the inside out. This time of year is also the busiest season...

S is for Stretch not Stress

This time of year especially, many of us tend to be rushed with work, family and holiday party obligations. This leads to stress and disruption in the normalcy of schedule, racing minds and a sense of uneasiness. While it’s nice to mix things up, the stress from being stretched too thin and not having time...

Dedication December

The last month of 2014 is upon us and I for one cannot believe how quickly this year has flown by. I found the intentions I wrote down for this past year and was reflecting upon those that came to fruition (those goals and intentions that I reached and/or exceeded) and those that have fallen...

“HIIT” it Holidays!

Heading into the holiday season can make already busy, hectic schedules, that much busier. With additional parties, events and commitments that almost always include an indulgence of food and beverages, the need to workout your body and mind becomes even more important. How to fit it all in? Well, making it a priority, scheduling it...

Ginger tea is good for me (and you)!

Self care is something that comes up often when speaking with my holistic health coaching clients and also other health coaches. We tend to be so busy in our day to day lives that we skip out on slowing down long enough to practice self-care. This can be as simple as a cup of tea...